About us

People Of Influence Network

People Of Influence

We are People of Influence a network of believers from across the globe.

Our mission is to influence people with the life of God and establish God’s will on the earth, raising a generation of people ignited by Him.


We do this by organizing Spirit-inspired local and international conferences, trainings, revival meetings, welfare and prison outreaches, worship projects, etc. to encourage and nurture believers’ spiritual and personal growth. Our core demographics include: men, women, youths and children.


Our Global Network

Our Commitment

We are committed to raising a generation ignited by God.

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Souls of Harvest
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Our Mission

To influence people with the life of God and establish God’s will on the earth, raising a generation of people ignited by Him.
Our Mandate

What we do

We fulfil our mission by organizing Spirit-inspired local and international events, trainings, revival meetings, welfare and prison outreaches, worship projects, etc. to encourage and nurture believers’ spiritual and personal growth.Our core demographicsinclude: men, women, youths and children.